
Hosted by the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 英语 Department, the Allan Hamilton Dickson Spring Writers Series features a variety of authors, poets, directors 和 others accomplished 作家每年. Guest speakers frequently read selections of their works 和 answer 活动中的问题.

所有事件都是 免费向公众开放.



4月10日晚7点.m. | Kirby Hall沙龙


丹尼尔·托迪是三部小说的作者: Poxl West的最后一次飞行, a New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice 和 an International Dublin Literary 奖提名; Boomer1十二诫.

Swirling with secrets 和ir consequences, exploring how revelation 和 redemption might be accessed through sin, 和 driven through twists 和 turns toward a startling 结论,今天最新的, 十二诫,是一部精彩的新作. 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》描述道 Boomer1 as “A “sharp, funny take on the divide between baby boomers 和 millennials.“美国国家公共电台 描述了 Poxl West的最后一次飞行 as a “WWII novel-memoir” which shows us “how memoir 和 fiction can blur—和 how 传达真相是很困难的.”


Torday’s work has appeared in 的 New York Times, NPR, 的 Paris Review Daily 和 Tin House, 和 has been honored in both the Best American Short Stories 和 Best American 论文系列.

A two-time National Jewish Book Awardee 和 winner of the 2017 Sami Rohr Choice Prize, 他是布林莫尔学院的创意写作主任.



利亚弗农, also known as Leah V, is an international plus-size Hijabi model, award-winning author, inclusive content creator, body-positive activist 和 inclusion consultant. Her content has garnered over four million views combined 和 her face has been plastered 在时代广场的广告牌上.


艾莉森·贝尔德尔 is an internationally beloved cartoonist whose darkly humorous graphic memoirs, astute writing 和 evocative drawing have forged an unlikely intimacy with 广泛而不同的读者群.

25年来,艾莉森一直是辛迪加的成员 当心堤坝. 的 award-winning generational chronicle has been called “one of the pre-eminent 欧弗尔的漫画流派,时期“由 Ms. 杂志. From the strip was born the now famous “Bechdel Test,” which measures 电影中的性别偏见.

艾米E. 埃尔哈特

艾米E. 埃尔哈特 is 副教授 of 英语 和 affiliated faculty of Africana 德克萨斯A大学的研究&米大学. 2020德州A&大学校长影响奖获得者 2019年德州a级&大学文科硕士 & 人文学者埃尔哈特也参与了 in grants 和 fellowship received from the NEH, ACLS, 和 Mellon Foundation. In 2020, 埃尔哈特 received a NEH-Mellon Fellowship for Digital Publication for her book length digital project "Digital Humanities 和 Infrastructures of Race in African-American 文学."

安E. 华莱士博士

安E. 华莱士博士,美国新泽西州泽西城桂冠诗人. 卵巢幸存者 cancer, woman with multiple sclerosis 和 COVID long hauler, she has written across multiple genres, from poetry to creative nonfiction to literary scholarship, on the 疾病的经验和修辞.

Zakes Mda

Zakes Mda is a South African 和 American-African Appalachian writer, painter 和 音乐作曲家. He has published 24 books, including 11 novels, plus collections of plays, poetry 和 a monograph on the theory 和 practice of theater-for-development. 姆达的作品已被翻译成22种语言. 他的画曾展出过 在南非,莱索托和美国.S. 在这些国家都有收藏,比如 还有西班牙和瑞典.


玛格丽特·阿特伍德 has been sharing the power of the written word since publication of 她的第一部小说, 可食用的女人, in 1969. 她 has crafted more than 50 volumes of fiction, non-fiction, poetry 和 儿童文学. 她1985年的小说改编成电视剧,广受好评 使女的故事 获得了54项艾美奖提名和15项大奖. 这部剧已经被续订了第五季 季节. 的
反乌托邦作品的后续小说, 风光无限的, sold out its initial half-million copy run, requiring two additional printings in just over a week 和 breaking first-day sales records for Penguin R和om House titles 那一年.


杰森·施耐德曼 is the author of four books of poems, most recently 抱紧我 (《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》,2020). 他编辑了这本选集 《酷儿:作家的读者 (牛津大学出版社,2016). 他的诗歌和散文发表在许多杂志上 和选集. 施奈德曼是该播客的长期合作主持人 彩绘新娘季度雪泥堆. 他的奖项包括舍斯塔克奖和富布赖特奖学金. 他是一个合伙人 professor of 英语 at the Borough of Manhattan Community College 和 teaches in 沃伦威尔逊学院作家文学硕士项目.


理查德·博阿达是三本诗集的作者: 我们在黑暗中找到彼此 (德克萨斯评论出版社), 怀旧的错误 (德克萨斯评论出版社),以及 群岛沉没 (终点压机). 他曾入围密西西比艺术学院的决赛 和 Letters Poetry Book Prize 和 is a recipient of a Mississippi Arts Commission 诗歌奖学金. 他的诗发表在 南方诗选, 城市之声:51位诗人/51首诗, 蟹园评论, 犀牛, 第三个海岸北美评论 等. He teaches for the West Virginia Wesleyan College Low Residency MFA 项目和莱恩学院.


Lannan Award winner 霍华德·诺曼 is a novelist, memoirist, 和 children’s author. 他的作品包括回忆录 我不想离开这个美丽的地方 还有小说 幽灵条款. His books have been translated into fourteen languages 和 awarded the Harold Morton 获美国诗人学会兰登翻译奖.

Poupeh Missaghi

Poupeh Missaghi is a writer, educator, translator of Persian 和 Iran editor-at-large 对于渐近线journal.com. 她的非虚构、小说和翻译作品已经出版 in numerous journals 和 she has several books of translation published in Iran.


扎克林格’s poems appear in AGNI, Best New Poets 2020, New Engl和 Review, Poetry 和其他地方. 的ir second refereed article was published in a special issue of African 珀西瓦尔·埃弗雷特作品的美国评论.


爱丽丝·索拉·金’s writing has appeared in publications such as 的 Cut, Tin House, 在筹划’s, Lightspeed, 和 的 Best American Science Fiction 和 Fantasy 2017. 她 has received grants 和 fellowships from the Elizabeth George Foundation, the MacDowell Colony 和 Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 和 won a 2016 Whiting Award.


戴夫·艾格斯 is a Pulitzer Prize finalist 和 author of multiple books, including 你们的祖宗在哪里呢? 先知们,他们会永远活着吗?, , 给国王的全息图惊人天才令人心碎的作品.


亚历克斯·伯恩斯 is the founding artistic director of Quintessence 的atre Group, an ensemble theater dedicated to the performance 和 adaptation of epic works of classic literature 和费城的戏剧.


本·勒纳写了三本诗集(利希滕贝格雕像, 偏航角和平均自由航路),两部小说(离开阿托查站10:04),并多次与艺术家合作(包括 开花(与托马斯·迪蒙德合作). 他获得了富布赖特和古根海姆基金会的奖学金 麦克阿瑟基金会,以及其他奖项.


琼McGarry's professional experience includes author, newspaper reporter, translator 大学教授. McGarry的故事出现在 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 西南审查《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》除其他外.


瓦莱里娅·路易斯利获得2016年《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》小说类图书奖. 她的作品已经出版 有14种语文和多种出版物,包括 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 渐近线, 在筹划格兰塔.


亨利Veggian is a Senior Lecturer in American 文学 at the University of North 卡罗莱纳-教堂山. 他的作品已在 边界2, 现代小说研究, 美国研究, 读者Quaderni d 'Italianistica.



Dr. Mischelle安东尼


(570) 408-4529


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