1943 map of Wilkes University campus area

Bucknell University Junior College,

the forerunner of Wilkes, was opened in downtown Wilkes-Barre in September 1933. BUJC was inspired by a state-wide study, 两年前提出的,建议在十个城市中心建立大专院校 in the state which lacked such facilities. The report stated that "Wilkes-Barre offered 十个城市中需求最大,机会最好的." The creation of BUJC was largely the work of Frank G. Davis, chair of the Bucknell University Department 今年3月,他向巴克内尔大学校长霍默·雷尼提议设立该机构, 1933年,他一直在追求这个想法,直到那年夏天实施.

巴克内尔大学的黑白标志.There was little prior support in Wilkes-Barre. According to Davis, who had visited Wilkes-Barre在三月初,“这个案子的事实是,没有一个感兴趣的公民, 没有学校负责人,也没有市民俱乐部向我提出任何需要 prior to my presentation to Dr. Rainey." Rainey was attracted to the idea because 巴克内尔大学当时正处于经济大萧条的深渊,面临着入学人数的下降 to provide eight surplus faculty to serve in Wilkes-Barre. The early operation was 由巴克内尔资助,没有从当地居民那里得到任何资金.

到1938年1月,BUJC获得了自己的董事会时,学校 had accumulated a total deficit of nearly $30,000. In 1941, Bucknell would cancel 在一次筹款活动中欠下了5,500美元的债务,另外 $8,352.1945年,BUJC开始筹集资金建立一所四年制学校.

显然,在1933年没有资金用于建筑建设 它们也不是必要的,因为空置的城市办公空间和 存在可用于学术目的的非学术设施. 第一个使用的空间是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜-巴里商学院(Wilkes-Barre Business College)的三层楼 位于西北安普顿街29-31号,正对面的Y. M. C. A.

第二年,商学院腾出了这栋楼和整个建筑 was taken over by BUJC. 行政办公室和一个500个座位的礼堂 一楼是一个小图书馆,二楼是教室和实验室 on the second and third floors.

因为学校的目的是服务学生,所以不需要宿舍 卢塞恩县的当地居民,他们都住在校外. However, there was 对非教学活动的空间和设施的需求. Some could be provided 在学院大楼里,比如留出一个房间作为女学生的社交中心.

1934年成立了一个戏剧协会,在大学的地下室排练 was entered by a ramp. The facility was nothing if not cramped. When a full set was 在舞台上,有必要爬上三层楼梯,通过防火梯 到了生物实验室,再下到地下室才能进入 from the opposite side of the stage. The Y.M.C.A. was used by the basketball team, which provided other athletic facilities for the College. Formal events were held 在斯特林酒店和伊雷姆神庙等地点,都在步行距离内 of the Junior College.

The initial moves towards a more permanent home were made by Eugene Farley, who became BUJC director in March 1936. Farley worked with prominent 当地领导人,包括许多住在BUJC两个街区内的豪宅 of the southwest quadrant. He enjoyed quick success and the College was given four of the houses between 1937 and 1941.

Conyngham Hall, circa 1931

第一个是康林汉姆厅,1937年2月1日由伯莎·康林汉姆承包. This 3月2日,蔡斯·霍尔(Chase Hall)举行了晚宴,由海军上将和撒切尔夫人主持. Harold Stark. Discreetly, 公告被推迟,以便两项收购可以同时公布. 1938年10月4日,弗雷德里克和安娜·韦克瑟夫妇将这座位于西北安普顿76号的房子送给了他们. The last was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kirby on July 1, 1941.

Conyngham Hall和后方的前车库和马厩被改建 for classroom purposes. Chase became the administration building and also housed a 小小的小吃店、男女休息室和书店. The library was moved 到康林厄姆,然后到柯比的二楼,在那里它慢慢地成长,直到占据了它 the entire building. 切斯车库被戏剧家们占用来进行排练 of plays. 车库是一个“沉闷的地方”,中央有一个大唱机转盘 turning autos. 1938年,唱机转盘被拆除,搭建了一个舞台 as well as rehearsals.

对学院来说,车库变得和房屋本身一样重要. 南河街的车库提供了比房屋房间更大的空间. 多年后,这些房子会被改造成自助餐厅、剧院和教室, 提供关键的服务,直到推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜开始建造新的设施. In later 多年来,车库将充当维修大楼,有些人至今仍在这样做.

Weckesser Hall was given to BUJC as a residence for Dr. and Mrs. Farley. It was used 直到1943年4月,当一名陆军空军预备飞行员时,他才开始学习音乐 training program was established at the college. Then Weckesser became the headquarters 美国空军第六训练支队(机组)的医务室. The recruits were 住在斯特林酒店,预计使用外部住房作为宿舍 students in later years. The Farleys moved to the third floor of Kirby Hall.

1937年秋天,由于自己的建筑正在使用,BUJC被废弃了 its rented home on Northampton Street. However, the building's career as an educational institution was not over. When King's College was established following World War 二是在同一栋楼内设置内务管理,直至建立校园 沿着北河街,反映了它(稍微)老一点的竞争对手的发展. 北安普顿街的建筑可以真正被指定为卢塞恩的诞生地 County colleges.

在第一个十年结束时,BUJC已经在住宅和车库中站稳了脚跟 在北安普顿街和南街之间的南河街或附近. The local community 接受了这所学校并开始支持它的发展. Those of college age 我很欣赏当地大学的好处,到1940年,学生们开始了 鼓动将BUJC扩展为一所完整的四年制大学.